Note: This review should be basically spoiler-free. You’ll get the usual spoilers you would get from any average movie review, but you’re basically safe, so read away!.
Screw 2008’s Dark Knight-Hellboy 2-Iron Man triumvirate of great comic book films; THIS year is truly the year of great comic adaptations. Between Kick-Ass, and the upcoming films The Losers, Iron Man 2, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Jonah Hex, and (maybe) Green Hornet, this is one amazing year to be a movie-going comic fan. Kick-Ass is the first comic book film of the year, and if every other one released is as good, we’ve got a mighty fine year of entertainment ahead of us.
Kick-Ass, directed by Matthew Vaughn and adapted from the comic of the same name by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr., follows the exploits of Dave Lizewski, a comic book geek and chronic masturbator. After being mugged numerous times, Dave begins to ponder why no one in the real world has ever tried to be a superhero before, and decides to take on the mantel himself, ordering a scuba suit online and naming himself Kick-Ass. After a Youtube video of him beating up some thugs is seen on the news, Kick-Ass grows in fame, soon becoming an absolute craze. What follows is an action-packed adventure as Kick-Ass and his companions, Big Daddy, Hit Girl, and Red Mist, attempt to take down the mafia.
What makes Kick-Ass unique is its degree of somewhat-realism, at least within the “origin” part of the tale. Basically, on Kick-Ass’s first patrol through town, he gets beaten, stabbed, and run over by a car, which is totally what would happen to a naive, comic-obsessed teenager with no training who attempts to fight crime. This is not a movie to take kids to, in case the R rating didn't give you enough warning. It's rife with foul language, and some REALLY brutally violent scenes - heads explode, limbs are cut off, and people are tortured and beaten. If this kind of stuff isn't exactly your bag, don't see this movie.
Among other things, Kick-Ass has a seriously stupendous cast. Aaron Johnson does a great job as Kick-Ass – it’s a pretty demanding role, as the character has to be likable, despite being, well, kind of an idiot, and Johnson does the job extremely well. Christopher Mintz-Plasse is given a lot more to do here with Red Mist than his “eccentric loser” roles in the past. It helps that Red Mist is a better-developed character here than in the comic (and that his motivations are clear from the beginning, as opposed to the comic where Red Mist working for the mafia is a big reveal moment), but Mintz-Plasse still carries an emotional subtlety to a character who could have otherwise become an unlikable asshole.
I’ve had a pretty anti-Nicholas Cage stance for the past few years, but recently I’ve begun to think that it’s just because I haven’t seen any of his good movies – I mean, the guy’s gotta be such a sought-after actor for a reason, right? After Kick-Ass I can say that this assumption was correct, because Cage is great in this movie. Out of costume, he’s a pretty typical dad character (well, as typical as a dad who’s trained his 11 year old daughter to be a proficient killing machine can be, but ya know…), but in costume, he (in reference to the old Batman TV show) speaks in short, disjointed, Adam West-like sentences. It had me in stitches every time, and if you catch what he’s doing, you will be too. I actually came from the movie wishing that there were more scenes with Big Daddy in them.
Of course, the star of the show here is Chloe Grace Moretz as Hit Girl. If you’ve seen any promotional material for the film, you know the character’s shtick. She’s a foul-mouthed 11-year-old girl who has been trained to be a stone-cold killer. She is where much of the movie’s controversy comes from, and the character who is bound to make audiences who aren’t into this sort of thing the most uncomfortable. She’s also fucking awesome. Her action scenes are pulse pounding, brilliantly shot affairs, and Moretz is extremely confident in the role. Some could see her character as controversy for controversy’s sake, but she’s a very unique creation, and one that could really only come from Mark Millar’s twisted mind. There’s a real undercurrent of creepiness in Big Daddy and Hit Girl’s relationship, and it helps give the movie a more sinister tone.
Matthew Vaughn makes the movie work because he truly makes the source material his own. The film reminded me of the Fight Club movie - it remains very faithful to the original comic, while also deviating quite a bit from it, especially within the last half. This really gives the movie it’s own identity and allows it to stand up as its own self-contained work, as opposed to some other, more direct comic book adaptations (coughWatchmencough). What ends up happening is that the movie is lighter, dumber, and more Hollywood than the comic, but has a more consistent tone. While the comic attempted to balance social commentary with adolescent violence (with varying levels of success), the film pretty much just stresses the adolescent violence – Hit Girl and Big Daddy’s relationship is noticeably toned down (with Big Daddy’s motivations being changed pretty drastically), and some of the moral issues raised by the character’s actions in the comic aren’t addressed at all in the film. Again though, it works. It also helps that Vaughn’s direction is fantastic – the action is extremely intense, and stylistically the movie is quite stunning, especially during Big Daddy’s origin story, which mixes traditional animation with cel-shading to create the illusion of a moving comic book. Really neat stuff here.
Quite frankly, you should know if you’re the kind of person who would enjoy Kick-Ass. All you have to do is ask yourself one simple question: is an R-rated movie titled Kick-Ass going to tickle your fancy? If you turned away in disgust at the movie’s title, then you should move right along, because there really isn’t anything for you here. But if you’re the sort of person who has read and enjoyed the comic, or feel like you WOULD enjoy a film with such an abrasive title, then sit back, relax, and revel in the gratuitous violence, fantastic cast, and fast-paced, witty dialogue of Kick-Ass; I know I did.
Sounds good, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to see it before but I think I will now.
Not having (yet?) red the comic, I find it interesting that you consider the deviation from the original to be a good thing, particularly in regards to Watchmen. You didn't like the adaptation? My first reaction when I saw it was "anyone who hasn't read the book will probably not really appreciate this as much" but as a fan of the book I thought it did the best adaptation it could have while still trying to stay faithful to the source text. And yet, although I don't think Watchmen is great without the book, I think if Snyder had altered it so that it worked as a standalone -- and thereby (probably) removed what was left of all of the brilliant details from the original -- it would have been just another two-dimensional superhero movie. What do you think they should have done differently?
Holy shit, Watchmen might have worked really well as a 12-episode miniseries rather than a feature film, which would have allowed them to include way more of what made the comic so hour per chapter would totally have given them enough time to create a much better developed and detailed plot, like they're gonna do with Walkind Dead. Oh my god. WHY did they not do that.
Sorry....that just occurred to me as I was writing this. Hmm. Also, wasn't one of the main reasons that you didn't like the Max Payne movie because it deviated so much from the source?
Unrelated: Do more comic book/graphic novel posts! The X-Men one was cool. Reading Watchmen, and then Walking Dead and Preacher has totally opened me up to them and when I walk into the comic shop I feel completely overwhelmed, but I'm really coming to love this medium. I want more.
YES! That's what I've always said! 12 episode miniseries would have been amazing.
I guess my problem with Watchmen was that a movie just seemed silly, as one of Alan Moore's intentions with it was to display what comic books as a medium could do that couldn't quite be done in any other medium. The fact of the matter is that Watchmen is just too dense of a work to put into a movie, because every part of it is so crucial to the work overall. The movie had the looks, and part of the brain, but without, for example, the stories of the people at the newsstand, it lacked that heart; that human connection that keeps it grounded. I think Snyder had a very tight rope to walk because he had to make the movie appeal to fans of the graphic novel as well as moviegoers, but the problem with that is that I feel like no one really walked away satisfied. Movie people saw it as just another superhero movie, and fans of the comic noticed how it didn't quite contain all of the elements of the comic that made it so lovable. Terry Gilliam was originally going to make a Watchmen movie, but deemed it to be "unfilmable", and I think Snyder's movie somewhat proves that.
And yes, one of the reasons I hated Max Payne was that it deviated from its source, but that's because its source was ALREADY so cinematic. I mean Max Payne was interesting for a game because it took all these film noir tropes and put it into a videogame context. Thus, it would have been extremely easy to translate it into a film by literally lifting the script directly. Even then, it's not the principle of deviating from the source that I had a problem with; it's the fact that that movie really just sucked ass. I mean seriously, all you have to do to make a Max Payne movie is get a good lead actor, a good, noir-ish script, and tons of balls-to-the-wall shooting action, and you've got a good Max Payne movie. The movie delivered on none of this (though, it looked good stylistically).
Other good comic series to start with:
-Y: The Last Man
-The Sandman
-Ex Machina (I think you'd really dig this one)
-MAYBE The Losers
I've got all of The Losers on my comp, all of the first two in trade form, and the first 5 volumes of Ex Machina, if you wanna borrow 'em.
Also, in terms of deviation (I feel like I'm talking about stats here or something), it all comes down to respecting the source material. As I said in my review, look at the Fight Club movie. They change some pretty big things, like the first time the narrator meets Tyler, and their actual discussion when they meet at the bar, and the movie's last half and ending to the book is quite different. HOWEVER, it still retains the spirit and feeling of the book; it just feels alternate version, let's say. And that's how you should be changing a work from one medium to another.
Great review! You know, you should really look into becoming a freelance (or not :P) writer! I could totally see you haveing your own column called "Stuff That I Like" in a newspaper! You write really well - you keep it interesting and as Tajja once said, "conversational" :) You can really hear 'Korn' in your writing!
Also, like I said, great review! I really want to see the movie and I will be thinking about what you have said while I watch it! Thanks!!
Thanks Pia! You should update your blog more often :P!
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