Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Hi all!

So, again I must apologize for not updating as much as I would like to.  Luckily, I'm going to Ottawa this weekend, which means I'll be bored basically all the time, which means TONS OF POSTS!!!  Well, probably two or three at least.  I just went to the library to pick up some graphic novels for reading in the car.  So this weekend, you should see features on at least some of these:

-DJ Hero
-Asterios Polyp by Dave Mazzucchelli
-Laika by Nick Abadzis
-Zot! by Scott McCloud
-The Punisher Omnibus by Garth Ennis
-Whatever new music I opt to listen to in the car
-The first part of a new feature (but probably not)

So check back here on Saturday night for the first part of my weekend post EXTRAVAGANZA (or something)!!!


SMGB25 said...

You should read Invincible, by Robert Kirkman. It's a great comic book series, I've been reading it the past few days.

Also, let me know what you think about the Punisher Omnibus.

Daniel said...

Yeah I've been meaning to get into Invincible. That's a series I wanna collect in trades though, so I'm gonna get through that one slowly.

Short review: If you like insane over-the-top violence that only Garth Ennis can do, it's rad as hell. From what I understand his Punisher MAX is very different - I've got the last half of it in trades, getting the first half weekend after this, and then it's time to read.

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